While there is no EV tool that directly support pointing all placeholder from a old server, which does not exist anymore, to a new/existing server.
However there is a simple workaround for this issue. Following needs to be done in the given sequence: (following workaround assumes you still have your old file server listed in VAC as target, along with all its original volumes. On the actual file server is taken away from network):
a) From VAC, note down the exact full name of the old server (FQDN). And also the volume names.
b) Now either create a new files server with the same exact FQDN in your network again OR from windows Active Directory, give one of your existing file server the exact FQDN name as alias. (Note: We need this file server temporarily - later you can get rid of it.)
c) Create volumes with same exact names, as noted down in step "a" above.
d) Now Run FSAUtility -c to recreate placeholder on this file server.
e) Once all the folder structure and placeholders are created for all the files on this server, run FSAUtility -pm option to migrate all the placeholders from this server, to the new destination file server.
f) Once you have got all the placeholder migrated to your destination server, you can get rid of the file server added in step "b" above. By now, your purpose will be archived
Hope it helps. Please leave your feedback.