Forum Discussion

vaultlearner's avatar
6 years ago

Enterprise Vault Mail Archiving Task Doesnt Start


Our Version 11.0.1 CU5 and we moved exc 2010 to exc 2016. Some users moved to Office 365, we disable them from EV archive before moving Office 365. But still we have 300 mailbox on prem exc 2016. After moving this 300 mailbox from exc 2010 to 2016 we deleted exchage 2010's completely. We check the version of Exchange it is comptible.

When we start Archiving Task which we pointed to Exchange 2016 it is failing. We already run permission and throtteling sciript on the exc2016 server. 

Event ID's : 3460 , 2256

What we did ;

Uninstall outlook reinstall it, remove all outlook profiles, try with newy created systemmailbox

When we configure Mailbox profile of VSA it works with no issue.. After that when we try to create system mailbox profile for test it gives error on Control Panel Mail section using ADD profile: The action cannot be completed. The connection to Microsoft Exchange is unavailable. Outlook must be online or connected to complete this action. Here is the interesting point if I create system mailbox profile an another PC login with systemmailbox it works fine also for Enterprise Server I can do it.


I opened Dtrace log I see this.

754         16:08:31.079       [11088]                (ArchiveTask)    <3172> EV:L       {HrMAPIOpenMsgStoreKvs:#57} Opened msg store [0x8004011d]

755         16:08:31.079       [11088]                (ArchiveTask)    <3172> EV:H      {CMailboxHelper::OpenMailbox:#307} Could not open message store: [0x8004011d]

756         16:08:31.079       [11088]                (ArchiveTask)    <3172> EV:M                {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionAndOpenMailbox:#1065} Failed to open mailbox

757         16:08:31.079       [11088]                (ArchiveTask)    <3172> EV:M                {CMailboxHelper::CreateProfileAndSessionAndOpenMailbox:#1066} Error being returned : 0x8004011D

758         16:08:31.079       [11088]                (ArchiveTask)    <3172> EV:L       {MAPISessionWithBoundProfileName<class EVMAPIProfileNameFromPool>::Logoff:#199} Logging off MAPI session. Profile name: [EV_00000000]


721         16:08:30.391       [11088]                (ArchiveTask)    <3172> EV:L       {ConfigureMsgServiceAttempt:#258} Trying ConfigureMsgService using PR_PROFILE_UNRESOLVED_SERVER [], attempt [1] of [5]

826 16:08:31.766 [11088] (ArchiveTask) <3172> EV:H {CAgentTask::Initialise:#1366} Failed to open privileged MAPI session: [0x8004011d]. Aborting agent startup.

Thank you


  • Hello Gertjan,


    Just the inform about the issue customer gives all permissions need for Archiving  via Exchange management shell that resolve the problem. Somehow Exchange Admin Page and permissios scripts from Ev doesnt work

    Thanks for reply.


    • vaultlearner's avatar
      Level 4

      Hello Gertjan,


      Just the inform about the issue customer gives all permissions need for Archiving  via Exchange management shell that resolve the problem. Somehow Exchange Admin Page and permissios scripts from Ev doesnt work

      Thanks for reply.


      • GertjanA's avatar

        interesting. Thanks for the reply. Can you close the discussion?