Enterprise Vault SaveSet Decompression error
Hi All, We run into a problem at one of our clients. if a user tries to retrieve an item that was archived by EV. The following error is reported in the event view. Note that this has affected a large number of items
Current version installed 11.1 CHF5. Ws are aware the the version is EOS now and will need to upgrade to 12 before we can get support from Veritas
Unable to fetch item from "####".
Reason: Unspecified error (0x80004005)
Saveset Id: 201705255742835~201611100831110000~Z~D08AEE1BEFCD8254F7B889CE0DABDD21
Archive Name: ####
Archive Folder Path: Discovery
Reference: GetOnlineAttachmentFileSize2
For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://entced.symantec.com/entt?product=ev&language=english&version=
We looked at all the articles around the 6287 error but none of them will resolve the issue. After running a DumpSet we found that the ARCHDVS are failing with the following error (Saveset decompression failed) as per below log
After further investigation we checked the content of the DVS files but don’t see any issues with it. If we try and retrieve the file from the URL it prompts your for username and password. so we have now need your assistance
- How would we be able to rectify this error.
- What can be done to test the DVS to see if they are corrupt
Sadly the client is unable to recover the files from backups
2017-07-13 09:54:59 Log file 'C:\Dumpsetreport\EVSVR_DumpSaveset_20170713095459\EVSVR_DumpSaveset_20170713095459.Log' created/opened
2017-07-13 09:54:59
2017-07-13 09:54:59 EVSVR Version (
2017-07-13 09:54:59
2017-07-13 09:54:59 Initialising operation
2017-07-13 09:54:59 Arguments: 1B3990E919A820F47B1521D75DBF025201110000evdbnsite 201705255742835~201611100831110000~Z~D08AEE1BEFCD8254F7B889CE0DABDD21 -o C:\Dumpsetreport
2017-07-13 09:54:59 Output folder: C:\Dumpsetreport\EVSVR_DumpSaveset_20170713095459\
2017-07-13 09:54:59 Log file path: C:\Dumpsetreport\EVSVR_DumpSaveset_20170713095459\EVSVR_DumpSaveset_20170713095459.Log
2017-07-13 09:54:59 Found an archive: Parameter 1B3990E919A820F47B1521D75DBF025201110000evdbnsite is the entry id for archive ##### that is in vault store 'Archive Store'.
2017-07-13 09:54:59 Found a saveset id: Parameter 201705255742835~201611100831110000~Z~D08AEE1BEFCD8254F7B889CE0DABDD21 is a valid saveset id. Found archive folder entry id for saveset: 146325E4F8F364A49A3DDC53E02EF12991110000evdbnsite
2017-07-13 09:54:59 Initialisation complete
2017-07-13 09:54:59 Archive Entry Id: 1B3990E919A820F47B1521D75DBF025201110000evdbnsite
2017-07-13 09:54:59 Archive Name: ####
2017-07-13 09:54:59 Vault Store Entry Id: 1DBAB279442FC3D4AB7C923926708E6711210000evdbnsite
2017-07-13 09:54:59 Vault Store Name: Archive Store
2017-07-13 09:54:59 Saveset Id: 201705255742835~201611100831110000~Z~D08AEE1BEFCD8254F7B889CE0DABDD21
2017-07-13 09:54:59
2017-07-13 09:54:59 Starting DumpSaveset operation
2017-07-13 09:54:59
2017-07-13 09:54:59 Getting recombined Saveset (DVS) file
2017-07-13 09:54:59 ERROR: Failed to get recombined saveset. Error: Unspecified error (0x80004005)
2017-07-13 09:54:59 Event Output: Unable to complete retrieval request Reason: Saveset decompression failed. Error: Context: For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://entced.symantec.com/entt?product=ev&language=english&version= (0xc0041aa7) Vault: ##### Vault Id: 1B3990E919A820F47B1521D75DBF025201110000evdbnsite Item Id: 201705255742835~201611100831110000~Z~D08AEE1BEFCD8254F7B889CE0DABDD21 Reference: Vault/RI Extended Item Info: Supplementary Info: For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://entced.symantec.com/entt?product=ev&language=english&version= (0xc0041ae2)
2017-07-13 09:54:59 ERROR: GetRecombinedSaveset failed. Error: Unspecified error (0x80004005)
2017-07-13 09:54:59
2017-07-13 09:54:59 Getting DVS File and SIS Part files
2017-07-13 09:55:01 CIFS Partition: Archive Store 2017 Q2; Collected: true; FilePath: \\#####\Vault2017Q1Q2\Q2\Archive\Archive Store\2017\05-25\D\08A\D08AEE1BEFCD8254F7B889CE0DABDD21.ARCHDVS
2017-07-13 09:55:01 Event Output: Unable to complete retrieval request Reason: Saveset decompression failed. Error: Context: For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://entced.symantec.com/entt?product=ev&language=english&version= (0xc0041aa7) Vault: Discovery Vault Id: 146325E4F8F364A49A3DDC53E02EF12991110000evdbnsite Item Id: 201705255742835~201611100831110000~Z~D08AEE1BEFCD8254F7B889CE0DABDD21 Reference: Vault/RI Extended Item Info: Supplementary Info: For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://entced.symantec.com/entt?product=ev&language=english&version= (0xc0041ae2)
2017-07-13 09:55:01 Copying file from CIFS Partition: \\#####\Vault2017Q1Q2\Q2\Archive\Archive Store\2017\05-25\D\08A\D08AEE1BEFCD8254F7B889CE0DABDD21.ARCHDVS
2017-07-13 09:55:01 ERROR: Failed to get DocFile. Error: Saveset decompression failed. Error:%1 Context:%2 For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://entced.symantec.com/entt?product=ev&language=english&version= (0xc0041aa7)
2017-07-13 09:55:01 CIFS Partition: Archive Store 2017 Q2; Collected: true; FilePath: \\#####\Vault2017Q1Q2\Q2\Archive\Archive Store\2017\05-25\D\Collection357883.CAB
2017-07-13 09:55:01 Copying file from CIFS Partition: \\#####\Vault2017Q1Q2\Q2\Archive\Archive Store\2017\05-25\D\Collection357883.CAB
2017-07-13 09:55:01 CIFS Partition: Freight Services Store 2016; Collected: true; FilePath: \\#####\2016\Archive\Freight Services\2016\11-10\C\Collection8234.CAB
2017-07-13 09:55:01 Copying file from CIFS Partition: \\#####\2016\Archive\Freight Services\2016\11-10\C\Collection8234.CAB
2017-07-13 09:55:04 CIFS Partition: Freight Services Store 2016; Collected: true; FilePath: \\#####\2016\Archive\Freight Services\2016\11-10\C\0B2\C0B2C0947532118E69FEAE438BA27451~71~99C09C5E~00~1.ARCHDVSSP
2017-07-13 09:55:04 Copying file from CIFS Partition: \\#####\2016\Archive\Freight Services\2016\11-10\C\0B2\C0B2C0947532118E69FEAE438BA27451~71~99C09C5E~00~1.ARCHDVSSP
2017-07-13 09:55:04 CIFS Partition: Freight Services Store 2016; Collected: true; FilePath: \\#####\2016\Archive\Freight Services\2016\11-10\C\0B2\C0B2C0947532118E69FEAE438BA27451~71~99C09C5E~00~1.ARCHDVSCC
2017-07-13 09:55:04 Copying file from CIFS Partition: \\#####\2016\Archive\Freight Services\2016\11-10\C\0B2\C0B2C0947532118E69FEAE438BA27451~71~99C09C5E~00~1.ARCHDVSCC
2017-07-13 09:55:05 CIFS Partition: Archive Store 2017 Q2; Collected: true; FilePath: \\#####\Vault2017Q1Q2\Q2\Archive\Archive Store\2017\05-25\D\Collection357883.CAB
2017-07-13 09:55:05 Copying file from CIFS Partition: \\#####\Vault2017Q1Q2\Q2\Archive\Archive Store\2017\05-25\D\Collection357883.CAB
2017-07-13 09:55:05 CIFS Partition: Archive Store 2017 Q2; Collected: true; FilePath: \\#####\Vault2017Q1Q2\Q2\Archive\Archive Store\2017\05-25\D\08A\D08AEE1BEFCD8254F7B889CE0DABDD21~F1~9987C167~00~1.ARCHDVSSP
2017-07-13 09:55:05 Copying file from CIFS Partition: \\#####\Vault2017Q1Q2\Q2\Archive\Archive Store\2017\05-25\D\08A\D08AEE1BEFCD8254F7B889CE0DABDD21~F1~9987C167~00~1.ARCHDVSSP
2017-07-13 09:55:05
2017-07-13 09:55:05 Getting Vault Store Database records
2017-07-13 09:55:05 Saved database information item: C:\Dumpsetreport\EVSVR_DumpSaveset_20170713095459\VSDBRecords.xml
2017-07-13 09:55:05
2017-07-13 09:55:05 Completed operation with one or more errors. Review the log file for more information.
2017-07-13 09:55:05
2017-07-13 09:55:05 Log file closed
2017-07-13 09:55:05
If there is any other infomation needed please let me know so that we can upload it thanks