12 years agoLevel 2
Enterprise vault starts and fails ID2949 and ID2256
I'm looking for a way to resolve an issue with EV. Did some Google searches and found the global catalog server setting, but this didn't help. Any suggestions are more than welcome.
Could you please share EV Version and Exchange Version..
Also the Hex Code 0x80070002 which you are getting in the Dtrace seems that the system cannot find a file, or files.
Did you installed EV Addin on the EV Server by any chance..??
Also can you check and confirm whether the install path in the registry matches to the physical path.
1. In registry you can check the following path HKLM\SOFTWARE\KVS\EnterpriseVault\Install and check if its the same location in which Enterprise Vault is installed, typically c:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\(HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\KVS\EnterpriseVault\Install for 64bit OS)2. If its different correct the path in registry and Restart the EV services and then monitor the tasks which should again begin processing.