Enterprise Vault upgrade
Hi Guys,
Need some help with an EV upgrade I'm currently doing for a client (Ev8 > EV9 > EV10)
The upgrade to EV9 seems to have worked, but when I try to upgrade to Ev10, the Deployment scanner shows an error - that the current version is 8.0 nad cannot be directly upgraded to Ev10.
The Admin Console, and the add/remove programs indicates that EV 9 is currently installed.
The server has been rebooted after the upgrade but error still comes up in the Deployment scanner,
Has anyone come across this before? any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Hi Aniyo,
As per the screenshot it seems either the upgrade didn't went fine or registry was not updated properly..
As i can see the key
Version : 8.0-Lite ------ It should be Version :
ServerUpPath :, -- It should be ServerUpPath :,
I think the problem is you ran the binaries of EV using Windows User account instead of VaultService account
So i would suggest to re-install EV binaries using vault service account it won't take much time.
Just stop EV Services and run setup.exe.
and then check the registry whether this value have been changed or not..