Enterprise Vault Web App - Stopping Launch Into Outlook
When using the Web App to access Enterprise Vault (7.5), once a search is complete and an archived message is selected for display a tab/button is available at the top of the screen "View Whole Item". If this is pressed Outlook is launched and the message is available for viewing/forwarding/replying etc. from within Outlook.
We are in a situation whereby we cannot allow this to happen. We want the users to be able to view the archived emails, but not to forward/reply etc. (Valid reasons - company merger, all users moving domains etc etc)
Is there a way of restricting/removing this tab/button ? I cannot see anywhere in the policies to stop this, perhaps a setting in the web app setup ?
In EV8, it's the following to comment out / delete in properties.asp:
(beginning on line 240)
It's probably similar in your version, I think.
if bAddViewItemLink then
ASPWrite ("<div class=""menuoptions""><table><tr>" + vbCRLF)
ASPWrite (" <TD><A class=""mnu"" id=""b-downloaditem"" HREF=""javascript:ViewItem("" & sViewUrl & "")"" title=""" + dvwMessages("dvwsDownloadSaveset") + """ onMouseOut=""window.status=window.defaultStatus"" onMouseOver=""window.status='" + dvwMessages("dvwsDownloadSavesetJS") + "'; return true"">" +dvwMessages("dvwsDownloadSaveset")+ "</a></td>" + vbCRLF)
ASPWrite ("</TR></TABLE></DIV>" + vbCRLF)
end if