Forum Discussion

SYMAJB's avatar
Level 5
15 years ago

Enterprise Vault Web App - Stopping Launch Into Outlook

When using the Web App to access Enterprise Vault (7.5), once a search is complete and an archived message is selected for display a tab/button is available at the top of the screen "View Whole Item".  If this is pressed Outlook is launched and the message is available for viewing/forwarding/replying etc. from within Outlook.

We are in a situation whereby we cannot allow this to happen.  We want the users to be able to view the archived emails, but not to forward/reply etc.  (Valid reasons - company merger, all users moving domains etc etc)

Is there a way of restricting/removing this tab/button ?  I cannot see anywhere in the policies to stop this, perhaps a setting in the web app setup ?



  • Hi

    In EV8, it's the following to comment out / delete in properties.asp:

    (beginning on line 240)

    It's probably similar in your version, I think.


    if bAddViewItemLink then
       ASPWrite ("<div class=""menuoptions""><table><tr>" + vbCRLF)
       ASPWrite ("  <TD><A class=""mnu"" id=""b-downloaditem"" HREF=""javascript:ViewItem(&quot;" & sViewUrl & "&quot;)"" title=""" + dvwMessages("dvwsDownloadSaveset") + """ onMouseOut=""window.status=window.defaultStatus"" onMouseOver=""window.status='" + dvwMessages("dvwsDownloadSavesetJS") + "'; return true"">" +dvwMessages("dvwsDownloadSaveset")+ "</a></td>" + vbCRLF)
       ASPWrite ("</TR></TABLE></DIV>" + vbCRLF)
      end if


  • You might have to create it.


    Article URL


  • You could also Just block download.asp (ie remove permissions to the file)
  • OK - cock-up on my behalf - the Show Whole Item button has gone now (by removing the code as per above).  I have 2 EV servers, and was hitting the wrong properties.asp file !!

    However......  I still have the other options listed on the search resuts screen (add to basket, delete from vault, select all, cancell all, restore all results).  I don't want these displayed, but even though I have disabled what I can in the WebApp.ini file (and restarted IS etc etc) these are still displayed.

    Does this possibly relate to the policy ?  I thought the WebApp.ini was the controlling factor for the web app ??


  • well select all all and cancel all doesn't matter
    remember in the webapp.ini its case sensitive and the .ini must be in ANSI format in the \Enterprise Vault\ directory, not the \webapp directory.

    That should be able to stop your Restores and what not. you should probably consider putting EV in to read only mode permanantly and putting EnableRestore etc to 0 in the registry

    Also you can apply EVPM script to give every single archive a deny on Delete

  • Many thanks guys - all now as required.  I was using a sample webapp.ini which was all spaced out incorrectly.  Once I removed all tabs/spaces, saved, restarted IIS etc. all my buttons have gone from the Web Interface.

    Again, many thanks for your input on both the WebApp.ini and the properties.asp


  • Hopefully a final nail in this coffin !!

    All looked well, but I have just noticed that when the search result screen is returned (minus all the buttons on the left disabled in the webapp.ini) an envelope symbol is still presented alongside the email title.  If the user clicks on the envelope they are prompted as to whether they wish to download or save this file.  If they select download then he email is opened up in outlook, and can be replied to / forwarded etc.  I need to remove the ability to launch the email into outlook.

    I believe that when the user clicks on the envelope symbol that it is download.asp which is being launched - so as per above comment by JesusWept2, I could probably stop access to this asp by security measures.  However, if possible I would like to remove the envelope icon altogether, as if it is left there and is clicked, and I have stopped access to download.asp the user may well see errors.

    Any ideas ?
