entreprise vault and exchange 2013 sp1 error [0x8004011D]
i have a problem with EV with exchange 2013 sp1.
i use EVPM to applicate ev policy, it create a folder named Archive on every mailbox, and user transfer email on this folder to archive them.
for Exchange 207 user no problem, but with exchange 2013 i have this error:
Creating privileged MAPI session ...
Parsing input file: C:\Enterprise Vault\eXCHANGE2013.ini
Processing input file
Processing mailbox: /o=TEST/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=test.migration1
Error - Whilst processing mailbox with dn: /o=TEST/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=test.mi
gration1 [0x8004011D]
any help plz?
i have test to create manually the archive folder on one exchange 2013 mailbox and when i move email on the folder Enterprise vault archiving task work fine, so i think the problem is the creation of the folder???
here my ini file:
DirectoryComputerName= EVserver
SiteName = EVSITE
name = filter1
CreateShortcut = true
DeleteOriginal = true
unreadMAIL = true
UseInactivityPeriod = true
InactivityUnits = days
InactivityPeriod = 0
DistinguishedName = All
LDAPquery = (memberof= CN=testEV2014,OU=OU1,OU=Groupes,DC=DOMAIN,DC=com)
Name = MailboxRoot
Enabled = True
FilterName = DoNotArchive
OverrideArchiveLocks = True
Name = \Archives
FilterName = filter1
OverrideArchiveLocks = True
Thanks for help
You said:
so if i am correct i need:
1- create system mailbox on exchange 2007 and use it on exchange 2007 archiving task (actually i use ev admin account as system mailbox)
2-move EV admin account on exchange 2013
Yes on both counts. Follow this TN to create a new system mailbox.
Creating the Enterprise Vault system mailbox
Article:HOWTO49499 | Created: 2011-04-08 | Updated: 2012-06-27 | Article URL http://www.symantec.com/docs/HOWTO49499