Forum Discussion

Biohazzard's avatar
Level 4
16 years ago

Entries in the Enterprise Vault database...

I was hoping someone could help refresh my memory.... Symantec support walked me through this once but i didnt write it down.. :(

In my provisioning report i have the section:
Mailboxes on Exchange Server [exchangeserver] that have entries in the Enterprise Vault database but which are not in any provisioning group:

And then a list of users...

These are users whose accounts have been deleted at some point.

Symantec walked me through where i can go one of the tables in the EnterpriseVaultDirectory database and run a sql query to find these users so i can delete them from the table. But i don't remember which table or the syntax of the query.

  • Not true, symantec support recommend deleting the entry, and yes deleting from ExchangeMailboxEntry is safe.

    Take a look at this scroll down to the SQL part.  If you had searched you would have seen this was covered no longer than a week ago

  • Go on EnterpriseVaultDirectory db, table ExchangeMailboxEntry, then find user that didnt' exist yet.Change MbxArchivingState value from 1 to 0 (or delete the record).
  • It is better to change the state of the entry rather than deleting it. Deleting entries can cause inconsistencies in the database.
  • Not true, symantec support recommend deleting the entry, and yes deleting from ExchangeMailboxEntry is safe.

    Take a look at this scroll down to the SQL part.  If you had searched you would have seen this was covered no longer than a week ago

  • Usually I change MbxArchivingState value, one time to 2-3 month I deleted record of users that didn't exist.