Forum Discussion

Jo_Chandler's avatar
19 years ago

Error Updating an index after moving to version 5 (Error 6843 & 7247)


I have recently upgraded to version 5 and am in the process of updating archives using the Archive Conversion Manager (ConvertArchive.htm) before upgrading to version 6.

I have completed about 50% of the archives and keep getting an error on one archive:

Error updating an index.



Could not get the IndexServer sequence number: The Alta Vista index is not open
Internal reference: GetSequenceNumber
VaultID: 16723C1A0E8A02D40A4A252AB8731EC171110000vault

I have manually rebuilt the index by doing the following:

1. Stopped all Enterprise Vault services except Admin, Directory, Indexing, & Storage.
2. Once all MSMQ queues were finished processing, I stopped the remaining services, and purged the remaining queues.
3. Located the above index and renamed it.
4. In SQL updated the ArchivePoint table for this index. The replay state was set to 1, so I changed it to 0. Purged the Storage Replay Queue (I checked perfmon to confirm that there were 0 items in the queue. I restarted MSMQ and then set the value in the ArchivePoint table back to 1.

5. Restarted all services.

I checked perfmon to confirm that there was 1 item in the Storage Replay Queue.

I still get the same error. The Archived is listed as suspended on the Archive Conversion Monitor, and appears to be taking up one of the conversion processes. So I am now only processing one archive at a time rather than two.

My question is,

Does anyone know of any way around this?

Could I simply export the archive to PST, delete the archive create a new archive and import from PST? In this way I should not need to update the archive due to the fact that it will be created in the new format.

Would this automatically mark the conversion as failed and allow me to remove it from the Archive Conversion Monitor?

And advice greatly received.

Cheers Jo
  • I had some feedback from support on this so I thought that I would share it.

    It is possible to export to PST, delete, the archive, recreate and import from PST to get around this. However this will not remove the archive from the archive conversion manager.

    To remove the archive from Archive Conversion Manager you need to do the following:

    1. Log onto you SQL server.
    2. Launch Enterprise Manager, Expand the EnterpriseVault Directory Database.
    3. Select Tables and Open the "AdminJobEntryTable".
    4. Highlight the "JobState" collum and look for an value under the JobState field where it's set to 8. (the vaule 8 indicates that the archive is suspended).
    5. Remove this line from the "AdminJobEntry" Table.
    6. Close the table, and exit SQL Enterprise Manager.

    Refresh your Archive Conversion Manager tool and the entry will be removed.

    You can now export the data to PST, disable archiving, recreate the archive and inport from PST.

    Cheers Jo