Errors Changing SQL Collation
We currently run Enterprise Vault 9.0.2 and are looking at upgrading to 9.0.3. For the last couple of upgrades we've been seing the 'mismatched collation' errors in the Deployment Scanner but have not had the opportunity to take the time out to resolve it and it has not prevented the upgrades. As I currently have a period of down-time due to an unrelated issue I have been trying to correct the SQL Collation errors prior to upgrading to 9.0.3 by following the usual technote: For most Databases this has been working fine but for a couple of databases some unusual errors have been thrown up. I'll need to retry following a restore on the Audit and Directory databases but I have the errorlog from one of the Vault Store DB's.
I followed the process of copying the first part of the programmability script and executed that, then ran the change_collation.sql (We're using SQL 2005) in report mode and it came back operation successful. After clearing down the TempDB tables I then executed the script in normal mode and after running for just under an hour it completed with the error:
Msg 547, Level 16, State 0, Line 1
The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_SavesetIdentity_SavesetProperty". The conflict occurred in database "EVExchangeArchiveStore1", table "dbo.Saveset", column 'SavesetIdentity'.
I now don't know if the whole script completed or whether it has stopped after the error during the -- CREATE FK CONSTRAINTS section of the script.
Has anyone seen this issue before? The script seems to be running fine against the other Vault Store DB's. I'm going to try and re-run the script again tomorrow following a DB Restore but would appreciate any advice or comments on what could have caused this.
id ont suppose you have a spare server where you could move the database to that EV won't touch, perform the collation changes and then move it back?
Typically though to be honest if EVERY database is showing a mismatch on collation, your best bet would have been to rebuild the master database to match the collation of the EV databases, that is unless some of the EV databases had different collations OR you use the SQL Server for databases other than EV
For instance if your master is using Cyrillic_General_CI_AS and ALL of your EV Servers are using SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, then you would really want to change Master to use SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS instead.
However that may not be doable if you have other databases using the same SQL Server or each of the databases has a different collation etc