Forum Discussion

Willie_Nel1's avatar
11 years ago

EV 10 - deleting entries from Enterprise Vault Servers

EV 10 cleanup and health check.


As part of a cleanup process we need to delete incorrect entries from EV Servers.

What is the procedure to check any Tasks and Indexes relarted to these entries before we delete them.

Can they be deactivated until we are certain that they are not in use?

  • ah.

    If you are sure the 4 entries are not existing anymore, I would suggest do the following:

    Login as VaultServiceAccount.

    Open Console.

    Expand server you want to remove, click Tasks, delete tasks.

    Same server, rightclick Services, remove, remove services.

    When both empty, select Enterprise Vault Servers, in right pane, select server, rightclick, delete.

    This assumes the servers still are available. If the servers no longer exist, you might not be able to do above. You then need to contact Support to assist. Be advised I would set EV in backup mode first, and make a backup of all EV-databases. BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP.

    Also check this:



  • Hello,

    If you delete a task while it still needs to do some processing, you will get issues in eventlog. (task deleted before it completed the work)

    Exactly what entries are you referring to? which EV version? What are you trying to accomplish? Can you give an example?


  • tasks and indexes are two different animals. You dont want to delete any indexes directly; they will automatically get removed when the corresponding archived items (or archives themselves) are deleted. i suppose you could just take an index offline but i dont think you want to be doing that either.

    as for tasks, it depends on what kind of task so let's take, for example, an Exchange Mailbox Archiving Task.

    If by deactivate you mean stop then yes there should be no problem stopping a task to make sure it's no longer in use. before you remove it, check the MSMQs associated with the task to make sure they are empty, stop the task, and then you should be able to remove it. if you have multiple tasks on the same EV server be careful to note which MSMQs are associated with the task you're removing so you can go and clean those up afterwards.


  • Hi Gertjan and Andrew,

    EV version 10

    Let me try and explain what I need to do.

    When you open the Admin console and click down to Enterprise Vault Servers.

    There are 7 entries in here.

    They show VNAME1(PNAME2)




    NB NB there should only be 3 entries in here - the 3 entries for the VM servers with EV on them.

    So I need to remove the rest of the entries to cleanup the system.



    AFTER this I will prepare for a DR failover with the same VM names BUT to other Physical servers.

    The VM names will stay the same - just the IP to the Physical will change.


    Any comments please.

  • ah.

    If you are sure the 4 entries are not existing anymore, I would suggest do the following:

    Login as VaultServiceAccount.

    Open Console.

    Expand server you want to remove, click Tasks, delete tasks.

    Same server, rightclick Services, remove, remove services.

    When both empty, select Enterprise Vault Servers, in right pane, select server, rightclick, delete.

    This assumes the servers still are available. If the servers no longer exist, you might not be able to do above. You then need to contact Support to assist. Be advised I would set EV in backup mode first, and make a backup of all EV-databases. BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP.

    Also check this:
