EV 10 - deleting entries from Enterprise Vault Servers
EV 10 cleanup and health check.
As part of a cleanup process we need to delete incorrect entries from EV Servers.
What is the procedure to check any Tasks and Indexes relarted to these entries before we delete them.
Can they be deactivated until we are certain that they are not in use?
If you are sure the 4 entries are not existing anymore, I would suggest do the following:
Login as VaultServiceAccount.
Open Console.
Expand server you want to remove, click Tasks, delete tasks.
Same server, rightclick Services, remove, remove services.
When both empty, select Enterprise Vault Servers, in right pane, select server, rightclick, delete.
This assumes the servers still are available. If the servers no longer exist, you might not be able to do above. You then need to contact Support to assist. Be advised I would set EV in backup mode first, and make a backup of all EV-databases. BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP.
Also check this: http://www.symantec.com/docs/TECH135322