EV 10 - ERROR: Failed to configure Enterprise Vault web app, error: 1
I have an single EV server running 10.0.0 being set up for Exchange Archiving (2007 & 2010). I want to configure the anonymous access for OWA, but when i run the OWAUser.wsf script, it errors out with Error: 1. Below is the output of the script:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault>cscript OWAUser.wsf /domain:ai /user:evowauser /password:password
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
WScript version: 5.8
Configuring for Exchange 2003/2007
Running as: domain\vsa
User name: evowauser
User domain: domain
Assigned user right: SeNetworkLogonRight
Assigned user right: SeInteractiveLogonRight
Assigned user right: SeBatchLogonRight
Assigned user right: SeChangeNotifyPrivilege
ERROR: Failed to configure Enterprise Vault web app, error: 1
I've checked and verify that the required IIS roles are installed as per the documentation, and that the IPv4 Address and Domain Restriction is set to Read/Write. But yet I keep getting this error. I've found other users face errors running the script, but it's all Error: 5.
Hi Everyone,
Finally got this issue resolved. It was a pretty ironic reason behind the error. In the registry there was a value for the Installation Log file that was pointing to a non-existannt log file. So when the script would run, and could not find the file to log its activity, it would error out with Error 1. Pretty misleading error, should have errored stating could not find install log, therefore, configuration is being skipped.
The Solution:
Go to the below registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\KVS\Enterprise Vault\Install
Modify the REG_SZ value “InstallationLog” and change the Value data to “C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\Installation Logs\EVInstall.log”
Run the owauser.wsf script, and should be successful this time.
Hope this helps out anyone else.
Take care.