Forum Discussion

John_Santana's avatar
11 years ago

EV 10 index drive capacity planning for upgrade from v9

Hi All,

Can anyone here please share the method to predict or approximate the disk space sizing for the EV v10 64 bit index ?

as at the moment, in my EV 9 environment, I got let say 1 TB of index and I'd like to upgrade to EV 10 with 64 bit indexing capability, how much do I need to allocate ?

  • It is unlikely index size will ever decrease.  The only way I see that happening is you stop archiving new items and start running Storage Expiry.

  • If you run Storage Expiry (and have never run that before), it depends on your amount that is going to be expired.

    In theory, if you archived for 5 years, and expire items now older than 3 years, you *should* get space back on the index location, BUT, as you keep archiving, data also will be added. Eventually, provided you archive the same amount of data, your indexes should be in a more or less consistent state. In EV10, you can close index locations (no new data being added to indexes anymore), but you need to provide a new location...