EV 10 (Virtual Vault and EVPM folders)
I have a request and would like to understand Evault functionality, as well as, confirm if this would be this will work as intended.
1st: EVPM Folders. If creating EVPM folders under a users mailbox; is it possible to create layers of folders under a TOP level folder and apply a different "Retention Category" to the lowest folder in the tree? (I don't believe we can but this is the scenario...)
User Outlook Mailbox
--- Inbox (6 month Retention Category)
---- Evault (NO Retention Category)
------- Evault 1 (1 year Retention Category)
-------Evault 2 (2 year Retention Category)
2nd: Enabling (Virtual Vault) with EVPM folders listed above;
a) Let's assume an item under the "Inbox" folder above was archived. That item required a longer Retention Period and therefore needs to be moved to the "Evault 2" folder.Will that item have a new retention period applied if we move it within the archive?
b) Or, does the user need to restore the item to the mailbox and re-archive to the appropriate folder with a longer retention period? (I believe this applies...)
Please advise on any comments or questions,
Thanks and best regards,
Yes, it works with VV, refer to this TN:
Retention category changes when using Virtual Vault
Article:HOWTO57426 | Created: 2011-08-01 | Updated: 2013-01-18 | Article URL http://www.symantec.com/docs/HOWTO57426