EV 11.0.1 CHF5; Restore from an cross archive without full access
Hello everyone,
we have an "issue" by a customer. He wants to restore mails over the ev search from cross archives. Unfortunately he doesnt want to give full access to the archives. He granted permissions on specified folders for the users. The folders are shown correctly in the search. When he wants to Restore "Copy to -> Current Location" an archived item a error message displayed. "Item cannot copy" I have refer this technote but no explanation about Restore and so on: https://vox.veritas.com/t5/Enterprise-Vault/How-to-grant-permission-to-specific-folder-within-an-archive/td-p/611704
I tested this behaviour in my lab enviroment with EV 12.0.4. I can Restore archived mails from other archived with non full access. Only thing it is not restored in the "current location." It restored in the inbox from the user who have access on specified folders.
The thing is i need an statement, that with EV 12x it is possible with non full access to restore archived items from cross archives, so he can upgrade his version.
Thanks and kind regards.