10 years agoLevel 5
EV 11.0.1 FSA slow restore
Hi all,
Running EV FSA 11.0.1 on Windows 2012R2 with 10GB network,
I'm currently restoring 400Gigs of data at what appers to be up to 15MB/per sec to file server Windows 2008R2 Guest on Vmware 5.5
Is there a way to speed things up.
I have changed the regestry to 60 file per 1 sec. to make sure it does not stop as there are some small log files in there.
average file size is between 1.5-4.5 gig
Thanks in advance
55 Gb per hour is pretty big/fast from a single EV server.
at that rate your restore will be done in about 8 hours. seems acceptible to me. what transfer rates are you expecting? what storage are you using at the source and target? how's sql looking?