Forum Discussion

K_G's avatar
Level 6
8 years ago

EV 12.1 Classification


i am setting EV classification to EV server newly.

i start test classification plan ,it runs succesfully.

But i want to see real effect and working princible of classification of EV in 1 test user outllok, EV search screen.

I need some answers.

1- EV need additional retention license? i have std. email mngmt license just .(e-discovery or other specific license required to run classification except of test mode?)

2-i can see just report in test mode. how can i see outlook search screen classification tags section?

3- i just want to use EV classification without journaling and withot CA & DA server. this is possible? I just need user search screen shows the classification section tab.

thank you...


  • 1) Classification does require a special feature license called "EVRetention." To see if this is included in your current license, restart your EV Admin Service and check the Event Viewer for Event 4213. If the list of licensed features includes "EVRetention" then you're good. If not, then you aren't licensed for Classification and it will only operate in Test Mode.

    2) You cannot see the tagging results of the classification in EV Search (the Outlook search screen) if you are running in Test Mode. When in Test Mode, EV runs the classification rules and writes the results to the reports, but the actual archived item is not tagged or affected in any way. The reports show the effects that the classification would have had, but the other interfaces (EV Search, Compliance Accelerator, Search and Content Management APIs, etc.) won't show any tags or other effects.

    3) You don't need CA or DA or even Journal Archiving to use classification, but you do need the EVRetention license. I'm not sure if this license is sold separately from the classic e-discovery package that includes those other components; this would be a good question for your account manager.

