EV 8.0 on windows 2008 x64 sp1 IIS problem
I have problem with deployment scanner which is saying that i should install hotfix (about which is also in compatibility guide), but I can't download it from that link - there is only for windows vista :(( Even after downloading it can't be installed on windows 2008 64bit.
Scanner is saying:
"IIS hotfix 949516 is not installed. This hotfix is required in order to run Enterprise Vault web services. See http://support.microsoft.com/kb/949516 to obtain the hotfix."
I tryied to run IIS7 in 32bit mode, but it doesn't help.
Any ideas ?
You will not belive ...
Microsoft has had different file (hotfix) under this link http://support.microsoft.com/kb/949516 few days ago !! Correct patch has 1,3MB (avaible now) and that previous has had 0,8MB and was only for x86.
It is why Chris didn't have any problems instaling it. Now I don't have to and everythink is working fine.
I have no words for that. Not in the public.