EV 8 and EV 10 coexistence
I have EV 8 server running FSA. Now it's time to upgrade one to EV 10. Definitely it's can't be done on same server so new server with EV 10 will be deployed. The question is: is it possible to run EV 8 and EV 10 in one EV directory and just move Storage service and archiving tasks? Or I should create new directory and move archives?
Hello Ralfeus,
You cannot run 2 versions of EV on the same directory database.
If you want to properly upgrade, you need to upgrade EV8 to EV9SP5, then EV9SP5 to EV10.
When you are on EV10, you can move that install to a new server, using the Building Block (USL)
I have little experience in moving archives for FSA, and I am not sure that is possible at all. Be advised that for upgrading FSA, you also need to upgrade the FSA agent.