Forum Discussion

christhinks's avatar
14 years ago

EV cannot create shortcut

My EV have archieve the mails, but it cannot create the shortcut

The Trace log is as below

1450    12:33:49.879     [6432]    (ArchiveTask)    <7716>    EV:M    :CArchivingAgent::ProcessChunkOfShortcuts() |Entering routine |
1451    12:33:49.879     [6432]    (ArchiveTask)    <7716>    EV:M    CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - processing shortcut 'Backup Exec Alert: Job Success (Server: "HLDBAC03") (Job: "Unlock Library 00010")', size 2188 bytes
1452    12:33:49.879     [6432]    (ArchiveTask)    <7716>    EV:M    CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - offline vault user F, shortcutexpiryperiod 0, deleteexpireditems F, orphanedshortcut F
1453    12:33:49.879     [6432]    (ArchiveTask)    <7716>    EV:M    CArchivingAgent::ProcessShortcutItem - we're not doing any shortcut processing so exit here



Any idea?

  • What you pasted there was there the shortcut processing which is different from the post processing Post processing is what turns a pending shortcut to a full shortcut Shortcut processing is doing orphaned shortcut deletions, shortcut expiry, moved shortcut location updates, pending shortcut timeouts etc
  • What you pasted there was there the shortcut processing which is different from the post processing Post processing is what turns a pending shortcut to a full shortcut Shortcut processing is doing orphaned shortcut deletions, shortcut expiry, moved shortcut location updates, pending shortcut timeouts etc
  • Further to what JW2 said, if you still have pending shortcuts you need to make sure that you have backed up the Vault Store Partition and that you back up software removes the archive bit from the files.  If it doesn't then you will need to use the trigger file.

    There is a section in the Admin guide on backing up and there is also this:

    Enterprise Vault 8.0 - Backing up Enterprise Vault (PDF)

    Article: TECH64458  |  Created: 2010-01-09  |  Updated: 2011-08-22  |  Article URL