1. What version of EV? EV 8.0 SP4
2. What is the storage device for the Vault Store? NETAPP
3. What are the spec's of the EV Server?
System Type: x64-based PC
Processor(s): 4 Processor(s) Installed.
Total Physical Memory: 5,743 MB
Page File: Max Size: 13,851 MB
4. How are you doing the export? Via a webapp search or Export wizard EXPORT WIZARD
5. What throughput are you seeing?
Start time: 10:35:22 AM
End Time: 6:22:30 PM
Messages: 43,300
File size: 4.2 GB
EV Performance guide:
Export to PSTs
On a server with 4 CPUs, items may be exported to PSTs at the rate of 30,000 items an hour. If a higher rate is required, five export processes can be started, giving a maximum rate of 100,000 items an hour.