EV Icons missing FE
EV 7.5 SP 5
Exchange 2003 SP 2
Installed OWA extensions on BE successful "Failed to make ADO connection"
But OWA shows EV Icons when connect directly to BE
Installed OWA Extensions on FE Successful without any errors
But OWA does not show EV Icons when user connects via FE
I have checked the control files
Exchange BE / FE has same SP level but there were some additional folders on FE but I renamed the files and re-run the OWA Extensions install which installed the appropriate files
Any suggestions?
If AE and search work on the BE server but not on the FE server then this is usually down to incorrect proxy bypass settings on the FE server. Just as a troubleshooting step to prove this run the following command on your FE server:-
proxycfg -d -p "<local>" *
Then try again. If it works now then the issue is that you have not got all of the correct information in your bypass list as the above command just says let everything through.
If it still does not work then this is not the issue and another classic for the blank screen issue is if you have any of the wilcard application mappings configured on your EnterpriseVaultProxy VD in IIS.
To check this open IIS Manager on your FE and navigate to the EnterpriseVaultProxy Virtual Directory. Goto properties and select configuration. In wildcard application maps if there are any dlls mentioned in there i.e davex.dll or exprox.dll then remove these and try again.
If it ain't either of those 2 then we would need to see some logging but will go into that if we need to but 90 odd % of the time blank screen is one of the 2 above reasons.