Forum Discussion

Anuradha_Tondam's avatar
18 years ago

EV icons missing in OWA....

We are running EV6.0 SP4 in Exchange 2003 SP2 environment on Windows Server 2003 SP1.
Recently we see that the EV icons are missing in OWA and so is the archive explorer.
Any ideas?
  • You do not want to copy manually, you will want to re-run the setup for the EV OWA extensions.  That will create the folder you see and update the control files.
  • Have you recently applied any Sec Updates for Exchange? Not to restate anything you might already know, but they will need to be reinstalled if this is the case? Any additional info would be helpful.
  • Thanks Jeff for  your reply.
    We recently installed hotfix kb911829 on the FE/BE exchange servers.
    I was reading a forum article regarding the hotfixes.  It indicated that when a hotfix is installed it creates a new control folder in c:\program files\exchsvr\exchweb.  Also creates a new folder under the folder
    c:\program files\exchsvr\exchweb\6.5.7226.0 (for Exchange2003 SP2) called "Controls-Originals copied by Enterprise Vault".
    I did see the above folder created on the FE/BE Exchange servers and copied all the files in folder "Controls-Originals copied by Enterprise Vault" to the latest control folder created but still the OWA icons would not show up.  Is there any additional steps that I am missing?
    Please help.
  • You do not want to copy manually, you will want to re-run the setup for the EV OWA extensions.  That will create the folder you see and update the control files.
  • Tony,
    Since I have already copied the files over, does it matter if I just intall the OWA user extensions over this or should I roll back to the state prior to copying these files over?  Please clarify.
    Also, please kindly let me know how to reinstall the OWA user extensions.
    Thanks for your help.
  • The folder you copied over are for the previous version of exchange, so yes I would put things back the way they were.
    The following is an excerpt from the Install and Configuring guide under the section called Configuring OWA access to Enterprise Vault .
    To run the OWA Extensions configuration program on a back-end Exchange server
    1. Log on to the Exchange server computer using an account that has Exchange Full Administrator permission.
    2. Ensure the Exchange server is running and that the web site associated with the Exchange server has an ExAdmin virtual directory created.
    3. To start the configuration program, click
      Start > Programs, Enterprise Vault > Exchange 2003 Back-end Ext. Configuration (OWA & RPC).
    4. A command prompt window opens and lists what the configuration program has done.

      The program configures the following for each Exchange virtual server it finds on the computer:

      • An EnterpriseVaultProxy virtual directory for each web server on the computer.
      • An EVOWA virtual directory for each web server on the computer.
      • A virtual directory called EnterpriseVaultname for each Exchange mailbox and public folder virtual directory. name is the name of the associated Exchange virtual directory.

        For example, if Exchange virtual directories are called Exchange and Public, virtual directories called EnterpriseVaultExchange and EnterpriseVaultPublic will be created.

      • Execution of scripts is enabled in the settings of the Exchange mailbox and public folder virtual directories.
      • Enterprise Vault forms are registered.

        See About Enterprise Vault forms registration.

      • Entries in the proxy bypass list from the EVServers.txt file.
    5. When the configuration program has finished, you will see the following line in the command prompt window:

      Press ENTER to end

    6. Details of the configuration process are sent to the log file:

      Enterprise Vault\OWA\BackEnd2003Setup.wsf.log

      Check the log file for any configuration errors.

    7. From a browser, enter the URL for the back-end OWA server. Open an OWA client and check that you can view archived items. In OWA 2003 clients, you should also see the Enterprise Vault buttons. Archive Explorer and Search options should be displayed in the navigation pane.
    8. Repeat the above steps to configure the OWA Extensions on each back-end Exchange server.
    9. You can now install the OWA Extensions on front-end Exchange Server computers.