Forum Discussion

Tonaco_pt's avatar
5 years ago

EV Office Mail App in OWA and Legacy Search and Explorer

Hello all,

We are in the process of moving users to Exchange 2016 from 2010.

After moving a user, we test outlook, the office mail app shows the legacy applications, search archives and Archive Explorer. We are still in Enterprise Vault 11.0.1





But when we tested the Owa Client the legacy application does not appear.



After migrating all users to Exchange 2016 we are upgrading Enterprise Vault to 12.5 or 14.0.

until this upgrade, we would like to like to keep the same user experience.

The reasons are:

  • New interface to learn
  • The date is displayed in en-us format (MM-dd-yyyy), we are in Portugal
  • when daylight saving is off, now, the message in the search app is 1 hour behind.
  • The Message hour is show AM/PM instead of 24hours 

Is possible to see the legacy app in OWA?

Exchange 2016 cu17, EV 11.0.1 CHF5

  • Hi, 

    out of curiosity, does the office mail app in owa show the "search vaults" button when provisioning the new EVS to a test user? 

    Do you see any error in the client trace file? (right clicking on the orange help button)

    Might also be a compatibility thing as I believe this combination has not been tested / is not supported. 



    • Tonaco_pt's avatar

      Hi Marcde

      Yes, the user that we provisioned the new search, the button is display and works.

      I attached the Office Mail App Client Dtrace. I can't see any error, but I don't know what I'm looking for.

      As I explain we would really like to keep the legacy apps until we upgrade to Enterprise Vault 12, the new search in EV11 was as a lot of issues.

      Thanks you
