Forum Discussion

dineshnegi's avatar
Level 5
12 years ago

EV on DAG Enviroment

How the EV work on DAG enviroment .What will happen when the database switch over and failover



  • You just need to be sure to set all members of the DAG group are set up for archiving

    Using Exchange Server database availability groups

    Article:HOWTO57591  |  Created: 2011-08-01  |  Updated: 2013-07-12  |  Article URL

    This is also still valid for EV 10:

    Enterprise Vault 9 Archiving from Exchange 2010

    Article:TECH144726  |  Created: 2010-11-22  |  Updated: 2010-12-14  |  Article URL


  • From TechNote as per suggested by Tony :

    During Exchange mailbox archiving, a mailbox archiving task is associated with each mailbox server. The mailbox archiving task processes only the active copies of the mailbox databases that reside on the mailbox server. Enterprise Vault does not archive from passive database copies.

    When one database in a DAG fails, Exchange makes another passive copy of the database active. The mailbox archiving task that processed the failed copy continues to process the new active copy of the database until the Enterprise Vault's provisioning task runs. When the provisioning task has run, the new active copy of the database is processed by the mailbox archiving task that is associated with the new host Exchange server.

    In practice, the failed database might be restored to its initial Exchange host before the provisioning task runs and updates the list of databases that are processed by each mailbox archiving task.