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vaultlearner's avatar
6 years ago

Ev Planing Question


We have Exchange 2013 with two active nodes. Mbxa,Mbxc is active on Exc1, Mbxb,Mbxd on Exc2.

Now we have only 1 Enterprise  Vault Server 12.3.2 called and only Journal task on it.

We have 100 VIP user 50 on Exc1 50 on Exc2. We are going to buy Mailbox archiving license for 100 people first step then planing to buy 900 more later

First 100 VIP user we are going to archive like copy archive we are going to archive but not going to cut items and not going to put shortcuts for them. Planing to schedule only during working ours 9-6 every one hour.

Questions is when we buy 900 more licences we cant start task during the day every 1 hour.

What is the best possible approach to this situation?

A. Add additional Vault Server(join to existing one) and add 2 mailbox archive task  to archive against exc1 and exc2  archive 900 user 6 PM T0 4 AM(out of working hours) with adding them provisioning group on the additional server and keep First EV only archive those 100 person.(Is this possible?) and store index and storage on this one. I read this on the planing guide but I didnt understand: 

To archive user mailboxes, there must be one Exchange Mailbox Archiving Task for each Microsoft Exchange Server computer that is being served in the Enterprise Vault site. A Microsoft Exchange Server can be served by only one Exchange Mailbox Archiving Task. However, there can be more than one Exchange Mailbox Archiving Task running on the same computer in an Enterprise Vault site, servicing different Microsoft Exchange Servers.

The Exchange Mailbox Archiving Task interfaces most directly with Microsoft Exchange Server (using MAPI), the Storage Service and the Indexing Service. Therefore, it makes most sense to install the task on the same computer as the Storage Service and Indexing Service with which it interfaces. This reduces the amount of data that has to cross network links.


B. Install new site as "" and  mailbox 2 archive task archive 900 user 6 PM T0 4 AM and keep First EV only archive those 100 person.



Vault Learner




  • Hello Vault Learner,

    I would personally add a 2nd server to the existing site, and have that do the user mailbox archiving. I would also create a seperate Vault Store, to host only the user archives.

    A mailbox archiving task should be scheduled to run for an x amount of hours. This will allow it to go through each mailbox, and archive items according to policy. I've not used mailbox archiving for a while, but believe that if you set the schedule to run for an hour, wait for an hour, this will cause the task to start at the top (of the list of user mailboxes) again. This means that mailboxes further down the list will never get processed. You'll see your A3 queue (I believe) never empty.

    Why would you not use the shortcutting? As you are also Journal archiving, you have all items already. The purpose of archiving would be to create shortcuts, and lower the mailbox size. You can define the shortcut to be the message body, and only have the attachments turned into a link. Remember that it will not be possible to change archive items into shortcuts if you decide to do so later. If you need to keep the items in the mailbox, set the shortcut expiry to disabled.

    If you want to archive the 2 groups according to a different schedule, you will need to have 2 EV servers, and on each server create a task to the same Exchange server. then use provisioning to define which mailbox is archived by which EV server.

    It might be good to discuss with your SE/Support, to make sure you do not configure EV in such a way that it might not fit your purpose/goal.

  • Hello Vault Learner,

    I would personally add a 2nd server to the existing site, and have that do the user mailbox archiving. I would also create a seperate Vault Store, to host only the user archives.

    A mailbox archiving task should be scheduled to run for an x amount of hours. This will allow it to go through each mailbox, and archive items according to policy. I've not used mailbox archiving for a while, but believe that if you set the schedule to run for an hour, wait for an hour, this will cause the task to start at the top (of the list of user mailboxes) again. This means that mailboxes further down the list will never get processed. You'll see your A3 queue (I believe) never empty.

    Why would you not use the shortcutting? As you are also Journal archiving, you have all items already. The purpose of archiving would be to create shortcuts, and lower the mailbox size. You can define the shortcut to be the message body, and only have the attachments turned into a link. Remember that it will not be possible to change archive items into shortcuts if you decide to do so later. If you need to keep the items in the mailbox, set the shortcut expiry to disabled.

    If you want to archive the 2 groups according to a different schedule, you will need to have 2 EV servers, and on each server create a task to the same Exchange server. then use provisioning to define which mailbox is archived by which EV server.

    It might be good to discuss with your SE/Support, to make sure you do not configure EV in such a way that it might not fit your purpose/goal.

    • vaultlearner's avatar
      Level 4

      Hello GertjanA,

      Thank you for the response.

      "I would personally add a 2nd server to the existing site, and have that do the user mailbox archiving. I would also create a seperate Vault Store, to host only the user archives."

      Should I create index service also for 900 users on the 2nd server. And this 900 users will come to directly to this server to access their items right or they will go to first site's IIS?

      "If you want to archive the 2 groups according to a different schedule, you will need to have 2 EV servers, and on each server create a task to the same Exchange server. then use provisioning to define which mailbox is archived by which EV server."

      So it is possible to create 2 mailbox task against one Exchange Server if we have 2 Ev Serverin in one site.

      Why would you not use the shortcutting? As you are also Journal archiving, you have all items already. The purpose of archiving would be to create shortcuts, and lower the mailbox size. You can define the shortcut to be the message body, and only have the attachments turned into a link. Remember that it will not be possible to change archive items into shortcuts if you decide to do so later. If you need to keep the items in the mailbox, set the shortcut expiry to disabled.

      You are defintely right. But our customer want to use Ev like this way :)


      Vault Learner.



      • GertjanA's avatar

        Hello again,

        Should I create index service also for 900 users on the 2nd server. Yes

        And this 900 users will come to directly to this server to access their items right or they will go to first site's IIS? To "this server". When they use Archive Explorer button (or Search), they'll go to this server, but even if they go to the first server, it doesn't matter. It then will only be a redirect, the work is done on the 2nd server.

        So it is possible to create 2 mailbox task against one Exchange Server if we have 2 Ev Serverin in one site. Yes

        Customers.... What is their utlimate goal? Mailbox size reduction? Better search? remember, the smaller the mailbox, the better the performance.