Forum Discussion

RenaudT_'s avatar
Level 4
14 years ago

EV10 - Index Server Groups question

Hi all,

could someone tell me the real benefit of using Index Server Groups in EV10? I mean I have one EV server for MBX archiving with index service, and another EV server, for Journaling, with indexing service too. Would it be smart to create a Group with my two index servers? (Exchange 2010 infra with 3 MBX servers and ~800 mbx)

Thank you.


  • To be honest for an envrionment such as that I dontthink you'd see much benefit of separating out the indexes and the storage unless you were really heavily utilizing discovery accelerator and it was having impacts on the users own EV experiences From what I understand of the new tech, the idea is to be able to let users in large environments be able to run heavy Discovry searches and other indexing routines without impacting on storage and Arno ing performance and vice versa
  • To be honest for an envrionment such as that I dontthink you'd see much benefit of separating out the indexes and the storage unless you were really heavily utilizing discovery accelerator and it was having impacts on the users own EV experiences From what I understand of the new tech, the idea is to be able to let users in large environments be able to run heavy Discovry searches and other indexing routines without impacting on storage and Arno ing performance and vice versa