EV10 OL2013 arrow on mail question
Hello all,
Hard to explain, but here goes.
In Outlook 2013, with the EV10.0.4 client (and the EV11.0.1 client) the following is tested:
User does not use the preview-pane, so only has a list of mails. User doubleclicks a normal email so it opens as message. At the top of the email, there are the icons: enveloppe, save, return, up- and down-arrow. When clicking on down arrow, the previous message in the list is opened.
When you hit an archived item, the first item you hit is opened, but the arrows now are greyed out. The enveloppe icon changes to the 'restore icon'.
Is this "works as designed"? I imagine it does, because you try to retrieve an item from the archive, but I could not find anythin g in the documentation on this.
Hello GertanJ,
Take a look at this previous post: