Forum Discussion

mwiggs2000's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

EV11 - Custom filter for specific Message Class

I have followed this article by Rob Wilcox, to try an apply a separate retention category to a particular message class.

I am doing this because, who wants to archive NDRs, or meeting acceptance notifications?

At the moment, my inboxes are getting archived, and these items are being left behind, much to my annoyance.

My Mailbox policy is set to archive items based on quota, at 75%.

So, I have setup my registry like this:



I have then created a "user name.xml" file:

<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<RULE_SET xmlns="x-schema:ruleset schema.xdr">
            <PROP VALUE="IPM.Schedule.Meeting.*" />

I have then created a "Custom Properties.xml" file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
<CUSTOMPROPERTYMETADATA xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="customproperties.xsd">
        <CONTENTCATEGORY NAME="MsgClassTest">
                <PROPERTY TAG="MSGCLASS"/>
            <PROPERTY TAG="MSGCLASS" NAME="0x001A" />
        <APPLICATION NAME="search.asp" LOCALE="1033">
                <FIELDGROUP LABEL="Content Category">
                    <FIELD TAG="MSGCLASS" LABEL="Message Class" CATEGORY="MsgClassTest"/>
                <AVAILABLECATEGORY CONTENTCATEGORY="MsgClassTest" LABEL="Message Class Test"/>

I then restarted the archiving task, which completed successfully.

I then synchonised the user mailbox and ran the job.

The normal mailbox policy ran, but it looks like the custom filter was ignored, as all of the old meeting items in the inbox are still there.


Any help on how this should work, or how I can acheive what I want to would be great!

  • Did you ever get this working? I have something similar on my to-do list but have too much going on at the moment.

    I'm sure you checked but is the IPM.Schedule* message class enabled in the Exchange Mailbox policy?