Forum Discussion

brettexton's avatar
Level 2
14 years ago

EV8 & Powershell

Rather than re-invent the wheel I am wondering is there a Powershell script or can somebody give me some general pointers which would allow me to:

1) Interrogate one specific mailbox 
2) one specific folder within that mail box
3) for any vaulted emails
4) be able to extract information from the vaulted email

Ideally I am hoping to get any attachments off the vaulted mail but any help in the above would be appreciated



  • what kind of information are you looking for?
    So you're looking to connect to something like \Inbox\My Folder\ for User A and then look at all the shortcuts and determine which ones have attachments and get information from them? or do you mean save all the attachments they have?

    First answer is nothing like that exists within the Enterprise Vault product for powershell.
    The easiest solution is to grant the EV Admin account Read Access to every EV Archivethen log on to the EV Server and use http://yourEVServer/EnterpriseVault/Search.asp?Advanced

    There you can choose a specific user, a specific folder to search and then with the sort order choose number of attachments , thus the emails with the most attachments will be displayed first.

    If that isnt suitable you would have to create a custom application utilizing the EV APIs to run an index search to get all the items with attachments against that user and folder, then use the storage API to download those email with the attachments

  • what kind of information are you looking for?
    So you're looking to connect to something like \Inbox\My Folder\ for User A and then look at all the shortcuts and determine which ones have attachments and get information from them? or do you mean save all the attachments they have?

    First answer is nothing like that exists within the Enterprise Vault product for powershell.
    The easiest solution is to grant the EV Admin account Read Access to every EV Archivethen log on to the EV Server and use http://yourEVServer/EnterpriseVault/Search.asp?Advanced

    There you can choose a specific user, a specific folder to search and then with the sort order choose number of attachments , thus the emails with the most attachments will be displayed first.

    If that isnt suitable you would have to create a custom application utilizing the EV APIs to run an index search to get all the items with attachments against that user and folder, then use the storage API to download those email with the attachments

  • is this something you'll need to do on a regular basis? do you have discovery accelerator?

  • Will Symantec enhance the powershell snapin in the furture to provide more admin functions?

  • I believe they will buy I highly doubt this would be one of those features they'd add as I don't think it would be a viable/useful feature for many users
  • At the moment I have a Powershell script which successfully does the following:

    1) Scans a specific single mailbox
    2) Scans a specific folder within the mailbox
    3) Looks for specific mails (key words in the subject)
    4) It then extracts the attachment and saves this locally into a network folder.

    However, if the email has been vaulted then then Powershell script cant see the attachment and this is where my issues lies.

    For on going emails I have switched vaulting off on this folder but I need the script to deal with retrospective emails where there are far too many to do this manually.

    If this cant be done via Powershell is there any way within EV that I can make all historic emails in my folder be unvaulted "on block" rather than having to do one at a time.

    I appreciate the advice !


  • In the Vault Admin Console, right click "Archives" and go to Export Archive, and from there you can choose the mailbox and then choosea particular folder to restore.