16 years agoLevel 2
EV8 backup rights
We recently upgraded from EV2007 (SP2) to EV8.0. There's a strange issue with setting backup states. In Vault Admin Console, upper right corner the logged-in user is properly listed as an Storage Administrator (as is specified in Authorization Manager). But if I want to change backup states, then all the options in the 'Set state' menu are grayed out.
If I log in with Vault Service Account, then all choices are there as they should, I can call cmdlets from batch files, and setting states works perfectly.
Has anyone seen this issue?
- There was an upgrade error which is documented in the knowledge base: http://seer.entsupport.symantec.com/docs/297562.htm After copying the EvAzStore_Inst.xml file to the required directory the error disappeared from the logs. But I still manually had to write the new schema to the Directory database. I opened the new schema in the Authorization Manager, on exit I agreed to write the new information to the Directory database and restarted Vault Administration Console. This finally solved the issue. Thanks for your advice! :)