EV90SP2 - EMC - retrieve data from 1 clip.
Hello all,
Relates to my earlier post regarding a hanging clip. In short:
In the EV-console I noticed the warning 'items awaiting backup or replication' going up. An initial check from EMC showed that replication was working. EMC then found 1 clip in the parked queue. They have tried several ways to get the clip replicated anyway, but failed. Finally yesterday, EMC found that the store operation of the blob was not succesfull. They advised to restore the data back into the journalmailbox, and have it re-archive. They could not tell me how I could find what is in that clip. I know that the data in there is from 28-04-2012, 12:47 to 12:48
I've not been able to find a solution/workaround for this.
What I would like to do:
Use SQL to verify what data is in this specific clip.
Then use the Journal Mailbox Archive Explorer to restore the items to the mailbox, then have them re-archived.
I hope that is the way to go.
If anyone can contribute a better solution, please share.
thank you!
The only available solution is to upgrade to either EV90SP4, or EV10.
This customer probably will upgrade to EV90SP5 when that comes available.