Forum Discussion

JustM's avatar
Level 3
7 years ago

Evault building blocks migrate and upgrade

Enterprise vault migration (Building block configuration) archiving to EMC Centera
The plan is to migrate existing Vault 11.0,1 consisting of 4(four) servers with each having its own function(email, journaling , fsa task...) to 4 new servers, new name , same alias.

My approach is to prepare new servers with server preparation, opening ports and installing but not configuring vault on every server with option "Install on firs server in new site".
1.Disable(storage expiry, collections, archive location updates, manual archiving, user actions), running Migration wizard on each OLD server, with that run services should be disabled on old servers.
2. attach disks from old server to each respectable new servers (centera collection disk, msmq disk, index disk, cache disk)
3. change cname entries to point to new servers
3. reconfigure MSMQ location to point to newly attached disk
4. run migration wizard in import mode on each new server
5. upgrade database

emergency Rollback
1. restore databases to state before DB upgrade
2. change CNAME
3. start services on old servers

is there any thing missing in here ?
i'm not familiar with centera, will centera PEA file be migrated with server migration wizard and is there anything else needed to do regarding centera access or will all info be seamlessly migrated.
Currently users are still using old search, will the search be upgraded automatically or will there still be an option to upgrade when convinient ?
  • This looks good to me. Search will not be automatically upgraded.

    I'm also not sure PEA file will be copied by SMW, but if you know where the partition expects the fle, you can copy that to the new servers manually (same location). PEA file only has aceesrights etc, not he 'originating server', so that should work without issues.

  • A few comments:

    1. You can configure MSMQ on the target before the migration date - there is no dependency on the existing MSMQ disks or its contents. Also I've seen weird issues with security on MSMQ folders migrated from other servers, I'd just go with a fresh set of disks for MSMQ.

    2. Centera PEA files should be copied separately, you can copy them in advance as they don't change

    In emergency rollback you are missing the step to reattach all disks with data back to old systems.