Forum Discussion

BobbyD1120's avatar
Level 3
15 years ago

eVault for outlook 2007 - check propeties


I have eVault set on my Outlook 2007 system that is part of a domain.  We have a GPO set that enables "outlook anywhere" which I have found disables the ablitiy to check/change your eVault properties to include archieve settings.  I would like to know where are the vault properties stored and how can I access them with out going through outlook.  Are they stored in a reg key or in a file somewhere?   I would like to keep my gpo in place that forces otulook anywhere.  However I want to ensure the vault setting changes I made are still tack and also possibly be able to settings wiht out using outlook.  

Is there a script file that may be able to accompish this or can I at a minimum view the settings via the regsitry or a file?

Thanks for assistance!!
  • Yes you will need to upgrade to either a Post SP 4 hotfix, or just go straight to EV 2007 SP 6.  You can find the hotfix online, I believe.  The general SP 6 will be on FileConnect where the normal media is kept.  You don't need to upgrade your server.

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