Enabled logging of w3wp process in Dtrace and came across these strings…
3837 17:54:49.717 [24356] (w3wp) <16664> EV:L {CClientAuthenticate::GenAuthString:#361} Generating auth string...
3838 17:54:49.717 [24356] (w3wp) <16664> EV:M ClientAuthHelperImpl::GenAuthString Authentication Type: Currently impersonated user Client:(null) ==> AuthToken:##.##.##.## kaPY*****
3841 17:54:49.936 [24356] (w3wp) <11848> EV:L {VaultCoCreateInstanceEx} Attempt [1] to create COM object failed. CLSID [{F4D3EB5B-C7C5-11D1-90DB-0000F879BE6A}] Server Name [EVSERVER01 (2)] Elapsed [2.288s] Result [The RPC server is unavailable. (0x800706ba)]
3844 17:54:52.432 [24356] (w3wp) <11848> EV:H VaultCoCreateInstanceEx GetMachineNameUsingHostNameHelper failed. Server Name [EVSERVER01 (2)] Error [The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found. (0x80072afc)]
3845 17:54:52.432 [24356] (w3wp) <11848> EV:M CBaseDirectoryServiceWrapper::CreateDirectoryService() failed.|Hr: 0x80072afc|Retries: 0|TryLocal: false|Directory Name: EVSERVER01 (2)|
3846 17:54:52.432 [24356] (w3wp) <11848> EV:H {CBaseDirectoryServiceWrapper::GetInterface} HRXEX fn trace : Error [0x80072afc], ref(1): [EVSERVER01 (2)], [.\DirectoryServiceWrapper.cpp, lines {629,656,680}, built Jul 10 17:51:39 2013].
3848 17:54:52.432 [24356] (w3wp) <11848> EV:L {VaultCoCreateInstanceEx} CLSID [{F4D3EB5B-C7C5-11D1-90DB-0000F879BE6A}] Server Name [(null)] Used Server Name [(null)] Num of attempts [1] Total elapsed [0.001s] Result [Success (0)]
3849 17:54:52.432 [24356] (w3wp) <11848> EV~E Event ID: 6281 Could not obtain the computer name on which to query for an IStorageOnlineOpns interface|The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found. (0x80072afc) |
Referring Scenario 2 in TECH202843 as Deletion of Orphaned Shortcuts is enabled.
From <https://support.symantec.com/en_US/article.TECH202843.html>
Everything seems to be ok on that count.
On checking the IIS Log at the time of the occurence of the event (as on August 12, 2015), there is nothing evident.
Anything I am missing.