13 years agoLevel 2
EVPM Script to Change Bill usage for all users in a active directory OU
I need a script to change the bill usage on users in a specific OU Group on a nightly basis.
below is my current script and i beleave all i need is to change the line under [Mailbox], can anyone help?
DirectoryComputerName = *******
SiteName = *****
DistinguishedName = /o=First Organization/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Recipients/cn=tatkins
BillingOwner = DOMAIN\Vault
VaultStoreName = MailboxStore
IndexingServiceComputerName = Local
Many thanks
- Yup, just change the DN to be an ldap query to select the OU and then change the billing account to the user you want to change it to Can I ask why though?