Forum Discussion

ntkrnl's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

Exchange 2010, Outlook 2010, Enterprise Vault - Windows Index Issues

Hey Team,


I am having a problem with about 10% of our users where outlook returns no search results, when using the instant search feature. This issue comes and goes and will go away completely if for instance you rese the search indexer. However the issue always seems to come back. Disabling eVault doesnt seem to affect the problem, however this issue will disappear for weeks at a time so you never really know if its resolved.


The user is running Office 2010 SP1 (July 11th 2013) Update.

Enterprise Vault 10.0.3 1169 - Light Functionality, Outlook Add-in

I have reset the users search index using the microsoft tool, rebuilt his user profile - which fixed the problem for about 3 weeks. Now when the user searches for a term like "Market" or "Ticket" - It returns no results,

I looked thorugh the release notes for CU1 and CU2 for eVault and didnt see anything specific to my iussue here....


Any ideas?





  • well the thing is, you can find plenty of articles related to Outlook and searching a mailbox and it not returning results, doesn't necessarily mean that EV is involved.
    In this particular circumstance in the technote, you have physical crashes of the search provider for which EV was causing to crash due to a change in how Outlook interfaced with certain DLL's

    That being said I guess you'd have to look at the event logs and see if you can find any indexing logs that might give a reason as to why the result sets are blank. You could also try unisntalling EV completely from the clients and see how long the indexes stick around.

    But unless you have something correlating to EV, my suggestion would be to contact Microsoft, see if they can generate any logs, see why the searches are returning blank and go from there, and if they point out that it is one of the EV components, then either have them create a TSANet case with Symantec so Microsoft and Symantec can work on it in conjunction, or take Microsofts findings and open a new case with symantec.

    But as far as i'm aware, there aren't any current issues with EV causing the indexes to malfunction like that

  • That would be more of a Windows Indexing issue than an EV client issue when it comes to OIS
    OIS only searches only the MDC file, so no attachments, only the first 150 characters can be searched against etc, you would need WDS to search the full Vault Cache and use search outside of outlook etc

  • This is a search inside of outlook searching in the users primary mailbox, not specifically seaching vault. I found a similar issue here:

    What i was asking is if there is anything related to eVault 10.0.3x that causes blank search results. The above link does not address blank search results but rather an issue with rebuilding the search indexer database. (Which is similar)






  • well the thing is, you can find plenty of articles related to Outlook and searching a mailbox and it not returning results, doesn't necessarily mean that EV is involved.
    In this particular circumstance in the technote, you have physical crashes of the search provider for which EV was causing to crash due to a change in how Outlook interfaced with certain DLL's

    That being said I guess you'd have to look at the event logs and see if you can find any indexing logs that might give a reason as to why the result sets are blank. You could also try unisntalling EV completely from the clients and see how long the indexes stick around.

    But unless you have something correlating to EV, my suggestion would be to contact Microsoft, see if they can generate any logs, see why the searches are returning blank and go from there, and if they point out that it is one of the EV components, then either have them create a TSANet case with Symantec so Microsoft and Symantec can work on it in conjunction, or take Microsofts findings and open a new case with symantec.

    But as far as i'm aware, there aren't any current issues with EV causing the indexes to malfunction like that

  • Ok. THanks for the quick reponse. Personally i dont think this is an eVault issue as i have disabled the add-in and had the same probelm, in addition we have 2500 users using evault and few instances with this search issue.

    I was hoping you may know something else about this and evault at this point i am fishing. If iw as going to blame anything symantec it would most likely be the Symantec Endpoint Client.

    In some cases there are no errors in the event log and yet the user has the same problem. and in some cases there are errors in the event log and the user has the problem.

    The errors arent always search protocol host either.

    Its a weird issue.




  • honestly and this is just my own personal experience, with and without EV, but windows indexing has always been a little flakey for me