Exchange mailbox archiving reports - no reports written
We are running for EV Servers on Windows2008R2 with EV 9.0.2 and archiving MSExchangeMailboxes (2003,2007and 2010)
For whatever reason, one of the server is not writing an daily "MovedItemsUpdateSummary" file under c:\program filesX86\enterprise vault\reports.
This was created regulary in the past, but then stops.
The archiving task itself is running and emails are archived (verified by checking "New items awaiting backup or replication").
The article explains how to set the value of "reports to keep" in the exchange archiving taks via the administration console, but (sorry to say) I can't find the reporting tab in the exchange archiving task properties. Just "general", settings", "schedule", synchronization", "Log On" and "Targets".
Thanks for any suggestion in advance.
The technote you referenced is for EV 10, not EV9 so don't worry about not finding the setting.
Do you still have update moved items enabled? Look on the Exchange Mailbox Policy moved items tab.