ExcludedFileTypesFromConversion settings reverted to default
I'm experiencing the following issue on a brand new client deployment
ExcludedFileTypesFromConversion are reverting to default. I'm aware that this is normal behaviour if I remove ANY of the default values, as per the technote below
"When you remove some file types using ExcludedFileTypesFromConversion, they are automatically replaced upon restarting the storage service"
However, I'm not removing any of the default values, but ADDING some, namely
so the whole registry key looks like
Storage Services is restarted after applying the values, however, and for some reason, it reverts back to default
No services are being restarted that might cause the return to default settings. Also, we have been unable to pinpoint when the value is being changed back. This is the ONLY registry setting being affected.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi all,
I am said backline engineer and you got to the same ballpark so good work there
This is actually resident in any version of EV but just happens to be hit earlier in EV 10.0.4. due to additional extensions being added to the list in that version. I have just published the technical article which outlines the issue fuller and the workaround I gave Andres along with the fact that we will be addressing this in a future version of the product.