Expiry query for last 365 days for a single vault store
We have a vault store where we expect a large number of items to expire over the next 2 months as they have a 1 year retention and were archived last year around this time. i have been using the query from TECH62271 and adjusted it to 60 days from the default 3 and changed the minus to a plus in the technote as follows, looking for what gets expired in the next 60 days, but the numbers don't seem right as it looks like too much will get expired:
USE EVVSESDVaultStore_31
SELECT ArchiveName, ArchivePointID, sum(ItemSize) as TotalBytes, count (*) as 'Num Items Eligible' FROM Saveset
INNER JOIN ArchivePoint
On saveset.ArchivePointIdentity = ArchivePoint.ArchivePointIdentity
INNER JOIN [WAXDBOLYSQL01\SQL_EV01].EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.Root r on r.VaultEntryID = ArchivePointID
INNER JOIN [WAXDBOLYSQL01\SQL_EV01].EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.Archive a on a.RootIdentity = r.RootIdentity
WHERE ArchivedDate <= (getdate() + 60)
GROUP BY ArchiveName, ArchivePointID
Any input on how to refine the query is appreciated.
you will find the solution in the following forum post
running storage expiry in report mode may also provide you with some info