Forum Discussion

rancey's avatar
14 years ago

File permission problem with Centera and Enterprise Vault


My company has been using EV 9 and EMC Centera - we have used this configuration quite happily for about 3 years (not EV 9 obviously - its been upgraded since we first put it in!).  The purpose of using file archiving is purely a for capacity management rather than for compliance purposes.  By using EV for archiving old stuff we can keep the primary file servers small and don't need to back up files which have made in into Centera.


We discovered recently that when files which have been archive are moved from location A to location B, the orginal item persists in EV even though the document has been retrieved and moved.  This was giving us an issue with moving content which is accidently in location A and should really be in location B (e.g. location A can been seen by many users when it should only be seen by those who have access to location B).  Whilst the placeholder disappears in location A, users can use the web interface to find the original files which they should no longer have access to.

There was a similiar problem with deleting files.

We tried a setup which allowed deletions within EV. This works except we want a way of protecting the data should someone delete it accidently. We have tried using the "safety folder" feature in EV.  However, this does not provide the functionality we expected.  For each mount point it is only possible to restore all the content from a safety folder back to the original location rather than being able to choose what should be restored.  Hence if we have a safety folder retention period of 90 and we only want to restore 1 file, we have to restore the entire 90 days of deleted files with no way of knowing what has been restored.

Any help or insights you have would be appreciated

Many thanks

  • CHeck out my blog entry on FSAUndelete:

    this may be able to help you.


  • CHeck out my blog entry on FSAUndelete:

    this may be able to help you.


  • darren's post is probably what you need but let me just add my $0.02...

    i think what's important to point out here is that replication as a backup has this exact flaw that rancey is pointing out. if protecting the data is critical, point in time backups are what you would turn to if data was accidentally deleted and you found out about it at a later time.