Find - Which retention does an archive has?
Hello all,
I have an environment which is old (11.0.1CHF5) and static. Most configuration information is removed from EV. The databases are available. Services are running, sometime a DA search is done.
I need to find out which archive has which retention assigned. How can I derive this from SQL?
Does anyone know?
This might help you:
--This gives the archive name and count of items by retention cat.
--Runs against the VaultStore Database
SELECT a.ArchivePointID, ex.MbxDisplayName, s.ArchivePointIdentity, count(s.) as 'Number of Items', sum (s.itemsize/1024/1024) as 'Size'
FROM Saveset s
Join Archivepoint a on a.ArchivePointIdentity =s.ArchivePointIdentity
Join EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.RetentionCategoryEntry rc on rc.RetentionCategoryIdentity = s.RetentionCategoryIdentity
Join EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.ExchangeMailboxEntry ex on ex.DefaultVaultID = a.ArchivePointID
GROUP BY ArchivePointID,s.ArchivePointIdentity, rc.RetentionCategoryName, ex.MbxDisplayName