Forum Discussion

proassurancecor's avatar
8 years ago

Found many emails in the 3 year and 10 year EVPM folders with 90 day retentions... Now can't run....

run expiry until I clean up this mess and prevent this from happening again.   Can anyone help me updating existing archived items that have a wrong retention category in a folder with the correct one?   Not all emails in the subfolders are incorrect.  Most have the correct retention but some have the default 90 day retention.

Here is some information from a post I submitted over on another EV site:


Does still apply? I can’t seem to get the items in a 10 year folder (A) that have a 90 day retention (moved from folder B) update to 10 year like the rest of the emails in the 10 year folder (A). My fear is I have many like this across all archives and need to make sure all 10 year folders have all subfolders and messages updated to make sure they have the 10 year retention before I turn on storage expiry again.



Hi Gary

I think this article is about something slightly different. It’s about changing the retention category of a folder, and then having the items updated.

Some further questions:
– What retention category and settings on that category are on ‘Folder B’ before the items are moved to folder A?
– What EVPM script did you use to create Folder A?
– On the archiving policy, what options do you have set for shortcut processing?
– Have you done a DTrace and reviewed it?

You may want to engage over at the Veritas forums to get me and/or other people to help review in detail.



- Retention Category on Folder B is 90 days... frankly all folders but the 2 EVPM pushed folders have 90 days. Everyone has a 3 year folder and some have a 10 year folder.

I'm working with support now and we just changed the retention year from 10 to 11 to see if that would update the ones in that folder to flip them from 90 day to 10 year but that didn't work yet. Waiting on a callback.

"Business" is the retention category name for 90 days. The other two are below.. Business Records and Business Records - Long Term.

Archiving policy is "Delete original item after archiving", "Create shortcut to archived item after archiving" and "Archive unread items". Overall Lock is checked. Delete shortcuts in folders is unchecked and Delete orphaned shortcuts IS checked. Archiving strategy is based on age. Archive items when they are older than 90 days.

Here are the EVPM scripts:

directorycomputername = pro-sev
sitename = PRO-EVAULT

ldapquery = (memberOf= CN=Business Records - Long Term,OU=MAI,OU=Enterprise Admins,DC=corporate,DC=local)


name = \Business Records - Long Term
retentioncategory = Business Records - Long Term
overridearchivelocks = true
NonDeletable = true

name = \Deleted Items
retentioncategory = Business
overridearchivelocks = true
NonDeletable = false

Then this one that everyone has for 3 year:

directorycomputername = pro-sev
sitename = PRO-EVAULT

distinguishedname = all

name = \Business Records
retentioncategory = Business Records
overridearchivelocks = true
NonDeletable = true

name = \Deleted Items
retentioncategory = Business
overridearchivelocks = true
NonDeletable = false


Thanks everyone for any help.   


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