Free Up Index Space - Journaling Archive & Retention.
Hello All
This forum is second part of below showm forum. Kindly open same for quick background:
We're running Evault and as discussed on above forum, we cleared out nearly 8000K+ from journaling archive. However, we do not see corresponding increase in index space. We see the increase but its very minimum.
Just curious if any manual effort is required after expiring items so they're cleared from indexes as well? I am hesitant to do rebuild of indexes on journal archives without proper confirmation that it is mandatory to do so...
So take a look at this query and give it a run
SELECT A.ArchiveName, (IRP.IndexRootPath + '\'+ IV.FolderName) AS Folder, IV.FirstItemSequenceNumber AS FirstISN, IV.HighestItemSequenceNumber AS LastISN, IV.IndexedItems, IV.Rebuilding, IV.Failed, IV.FailedItems
FROM IndexRootPathEntry IRP,
IndexVolume IV,
Archive A,
Root R
WHERE A.RootIdentity = R.Rootidentity
AND R.RootIdentity = IV.RootIdentity
AND IV.IndexRootPathEntryId = IRP.IndexRootPathEntryId
AND A.ArchiveName = 'your Archive Name'This should give you the full physical paths of the folders, the older the indexes are the more it should have been impacted by expiry, so pick one, go to the folder, figure out how big the folder is...then create a new file called compact.task, don't call it anything else, then when you search or update it will see the compact.task and then, well, compact it.
Then take a look again at how big the directory is