Forum Discussion

Dushan_Gomez's avatar
13 years ago

How to know how much data that is older than 3 years archived by Enterprise Vault ?

Hi Everyone,

I need the SQL script to query my Enterprise Vault v8.0 SP4 that is older than 3 years. Can anyone share your SQL script to know how much disk in the vault it consumes that'd be great.


  • Actually nevermind, I didn't read the "older than 3 years" requirement
    In which case it would be

    SELECT A.ArchiveName, 
           COUNT(S.ItemSize) "No. Archived Items",
           SUM(S.ItemSize)/1024 "Total Size (MB)
    FROM   yourVaultStore.dbo.Saveset S,
           yourVaultStore.dbo.ArchivePoint AP,
           EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.Root R,
           EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.Archive A
    WHERE  S.ArchivePointIdentity = AP.ArchivePointIdentity
      AND  AP.ArchivePointId = R.VaultEntryId
      AND  R.RootIdentity = A.RootIdentity
      AND  S.IdDateTime < DATEADD(year, -3, getDate())
    GROUP BY A.ArchiveName
    ORDER BY A.ArchiveName
  • Well when you browse the path for the vault store partition , you will see folder created with Year, month and date,

    You can simply go to the property of the flder and see the size.

  • Yes, I can see it from there, but I wonder how much in total that is why I need the SQL script so that th result can be calculated or SUM in Excel.


    YOu can use the following query to find the size and number of archvied item per archive.
    Use VaultStoreName
    select archivename
    ,count(*) as ArchivedItems
    ,sum(itemsize) as ArchivedItemsSize
    ,max(indexseqno) as maxindexseqno
    from enterprisevaultdirectory.dbo.root r1
    inner join enterprisevaultdirectory..root r2 on r1.rootidentity = r2.containerrootidentity
    inner join enterprisevaultdirectory.dbo.archive a1 on r1.rootidentity = a1.rootidentity
    inner join vault on r2.vaultentryid = vault.Vaultid
    inner join saveset on vault.vaultidentity = saveset.vaultidentity
    group by archivename


  • Honestly that script is a little overkill....
    your best bet is http://yourEVServer/EnterpriseVault/Usage.asp and that will give you things like avg item size etc as well as the number of items and size of archive etc.

    But really a much easier and more efficient query would be

    SELECT A.ArchiveName, AP.ArchivedItemsSize, AP.ArchivedItems
    FROM   yourVaultStore.dbo.ArchivePoint AP,
           EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.Root R,
           EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.Archive A
    WHERE  AP.ArchivePointId = R.VaultEntryId
      AND  R.RootIdentity = A.RootIdentity
  • Actually nevermind, I didn't read the "older than 3 years" requirement
    In which case it would be

    SELECT A.ArchiveName, 
           COUNT(S.ItemSize) "No. Archived Items",
           SUM(S.ItemSize)/1024 "Total Size (MB)
    FROM   yourVaultStore.dbo.Saveset S,
           yourVaultStore.dbo.ArchivePoint AP,
           EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.Root R,
           EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.Archive A
    WHERE  S.ArchivePointIdentity = AP.ArchivePointIdentity
      AND  AP.ArchivePointId = R.VaultEntryId
      AND  R.RootIdentity = A.RootIdentity
      AND  S.IdDateTime < DATEADD(year, -3, getDate())
    GROUP BY A.ArchiveName
    ORDER BY A.ArchiveName