Forum Discussion

Sani_B's avatar
Level 6
13 years ago

How to make sure EV services restart properly?


Originally this was a problem not being able to open archived messages throug external OWA session. Symantec support suggested that all the logs are telling that the EVOWA-user account somehow seems to lose privilidges and running the cscript owauser.wsf is the answer...  Well I'd done this operation dozens times and it's just not a solution to run it first thing every morning is it?

I had also noticed before that when the running the script it of course demands restart of Enterprise Vault Admin service (+ all dependencies), there is some problem getting all the services restart nicely:

C:\Documents and Settings\evadmin>net stop "Enterprise Vault Admin Service"
The following services are dependent on the Enterprise Vault Admin Service servi
Stopping the Enterprise Vault Admin Service service will also stop these service

   Enterprise Vault Task Controller Service
   Enterprise Vault Storage Service
   Enterprise Vault Shopping Service
   Enterprise Vault Indexing Service
   Enterprise Vault Directory Service

Do you want to continue this operation? (Y/N) [N]: Y
The Enterprise Vault Task Controller Service service is stopping.......
The Enterprise Vault Task Controller Service service was stopped successfully.

The Enterprise Vault Storage Service service is stopping........
The Enterprise Vault Storage Service service could not be stopped.

The Enterprise Vault Shopping Service service is stopping...
The Enterprise Vault Shopping Service service was stopped successfully.

The Enterprise Vault Indexing Service service is stopping........
The Enterprise Vault Indexing Service service could not be stopped.

The Enterprise Vault Directory Service service is stopping........
The Enterprise Vault Directory Service service could not be stopped.

System error 1051 has occurred.

A stop control has been sent to a service that other running services are depend
ent on.

 And there fore the Enterprise Vault Admin service won't stop / restart either. In the past I've simply just killed the process and proceeded from there...

Now I tried to google the issue on not being able to restart services properly and also ran into this article: Very useful indeed!!

"Restarting the Admin service ensures that Enterprise Vault authentication knows the identity of the Data Access account."

Now this was my original problem so now the question is: How do I get these services restart properly?!?!?!

(This morning I skipped running the script and just restarted the services [yes, killed the few processes that wouldn't stop on their own] and Voilá! messages open again.) So there are automatic functions where the system tries to restart these services and if the problem occurs then as well then I think that is when the EVOWA-user account looses priviledges and starts to demand a new restart of the EV admin service...



Sani B.

  • It looks like the services are busy with some tasks, better option would be keeping the server in backup mode before running the script/command to restart service.

    Or try keeping a sleep command in script so that it will give enough time for service to stop before moving to next service,

    net stop "Enterprise Vault Task Controller Service"
    net stop "Enterprise Vault Storage Service"
    sleep 120
    net stop "Enterprise Vault Shopping Service"
    sleep 120
    net stop "Enterprise Vault Indexing Service"
    net stop "Enterprise Vault Directory Service"
    net stop "Enterprise VaultAdmin Service"

    You can download 'Sleep.exe' from below link



  • It looks like the services are busy with some tasks, better option would be keeping the server in backup mode before running the script/command to restart service.

    Or try keeping a sleep command in script so that it will give enough time for service to stop before moving to next service,

    net stop "Enterprise Vault Task Controller Service"
    net stop "Enterprise Vault Storage Service"
    sleep 120
    net stop "Enterprise Vault Shopping Service"
    sleep 120
    net stop "Enterprise Vault Indexing Service"
    net stop "Enterprise Vault Directory Service"
    net stop "Enterprise VaultAdmin Service"

    You can download 'Sleep.exe' from below link



  • What version and service pack of Enterprise Vault are you running?

    What is your archiving schedule, and how many archiving tasks do you have?


    I'd suggest grabbing a 7 day calendar, and going through each task, and site schedule, and mapping them out.  As suggested it could be that the server is 'busy' doing something, which is why you are having trouble stopping them.


    More interesting though is why you have to do this first thing in the morning at all.  But I think for now you need to get 'reliable', then investigate what is happening (eg is the admin service consuming no, or high CPU, no or high IO etc)

  • "More interesting though is why you have to do this first thing in the morning at all."

    Because first thing I do is see if everything works and so far I've noticed every morning that the messages won't open usin external OWA. so if restarting services will get the messages open then that's what I have to do. =)

    But simple schedulet service restart is not the answer because there might be needed these delays so all services will properly restart...It needs maybe a script to get the delays there or something...


    Sani B.

  • @Sani, yes I read from your post why you're doing it, but my real question is why are you needing to.


    In my opinion it is worth investigating, starting with version information, and then going to behaviour which has been observed.  I sometimes see slow retrievals in OWA... this is partly because the App Pools in IIS close down after inactivity.  During the day on your systems you might not see this, since there might be people accessing the system via OWA intermittently throughout the day, but then in the dead-of-night, there isn't, so they get closed down.


    Might be worth investigating turn that 'off'.