Forum Discussion
- ChrisLangevinLevel 6
How's this?
--Returns number of items on legal hold and total size of items on legal hold in current Vault Store DB
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT hs.SavesetIdentity) AS 'Number of held items', SUM(s.ItemSize) AS 'Size of held items (KB)' FROM HoldSaveset AS hs JOIN Saveset AS s ON s.SavesetIdentity = hs.SavesetIdentityMore detailed:
--Returns number of items on legal hold and total size of items on legal hold in current Vault Store DB,
--broken down by container for further detail
SELECT ISNULL(av.ArchiveName,'Total for VS') AS 'Container',
COUNT(DISTINCT hs.SavesetIdentity) AS 'Number of held items',
SUM(s.ItemSize) AS 'Size of held items (KB)'
FROM HoldSaveset AS hs
JOIN Saveset AS s ON s.SavesetIdentity = hs.SavesetIdentity
JOIN ArchivePoint AS ap ON ap.ArchivePointIdentity = s.ArchivePointIdentity
JOIN EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.ArchiveView AS av ON av.VaultEntryId = ap.ArchivePointId
GROUP BY ROLLUP(av.ArchiveName)--Chris
- JimmyNeutronLevel 6
Will the results report on compressed or uncompressed?
- TonySterlingModerator
ItemSize should be the compressed size as held in EV, I believe.
- GertjanAModerator
Hello Jaime,
I can't get you an exact query, but I can get you some pointers:
You might be able to use these to add the size somehow.
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