IgnoreArchiveBitTrigger - Should it clear the Items Awaiting Back Up?
Hello Everybody,
This is for EV8.0.5. The company uses backup software that doesn't reset the archive bit, as a result there are scripts that create a blank text file called IgnoreArchiveBitTrigger.txt in each of the Vault Partitions. It has been set up as per the Symantec guides, and in the main has been working as expected without a problem.
Recently however it has started to act up a bit. There were problems with the backups which are now resolved (the backups were taking about 9 hours to complete, so we now only backup items less than 2 years old by excluding the drives with the older data), but everyday I get a warning that :
There are 35263 savesets that have not yet been backed up or replicated for Vault Store 'MailboxVS04'. There is a build-up of savesets that Enterprise Vault cannot confirm have been backed up or replicated.
Example symptoms: archive-pending items remain in mailboxes, leading to calls to your Help Desk from users; store sizes do not decrease, even though items have been archived.
There may be a problem with backups or replication
My understanding was that when the partition comes out of Backup Mode the StorageFileWatch process looks first for an XML file and if that is not present next looks for the IgnoreArchiveBitTrigger.txt - if it finds this then it renames it .old and makes a note of the date modified - it then assumes that anything up to that point is safely backed up and changes the Pending Items to full Archived Items.
So if that is accurate then I should be able to essentially fool EV into thinking a back up has taken place successfully simply by putting the partition into Backup Mode - deleting the IgnoreArchiveBitTrigger.old and creating a new IgnoreArchiveBitTrigger.txt - finally set the partition back to normal - it will read the modified date of the .txt rename it as .old and then anything up to that point will change from Pending to Archived.
I have a number of mailboxes, all archived by the same EV server that have items pending for 8 weeks - they have a one month policy - that is EV will attempt to archive anything older than one month, so having items outstanding for 8 weeks is a bit of a problem. MSMQ is empty each morning, so things aren't just piling up there.
I know they have been backed up as I have a daily report from the backup team, the company uses Tivoli TSM for backups, and I see the start/finish times and the word "Success" in large red letters each morning. This is good and makes me feel warm and safe.
But those items are still pending. The users are complaining and harmony in the workplace is not being achieved. So I thought it should be an easy fix, set the IgnoreArchiveBitTrigger file, cycle through BackupMode and Hey Presto everyone is happy. EV thinks a backup has happened so it changes all those Pending Icons to Archived and that is the end of the tale.
I have run a DTrace from the Console selecting Items Remain Pending as the nature of the problem, this returned an awful lot of information but nothing I would call useful (to me at any rate). While running the DTrace I did a Run Now for that mailbox, also did a Sync and for good measure knocked the Backup Mode on and off again. I can see this all happening and can see the inthe DTrace where it looks for the IgnoreArchiveBitTrigger file, that is found ok. Just it never switches the pending items to done.
So does anyone know why this little ploy doesn't work? What am I missing? Something fundamental? Where does the error get it's information? Once I reset the BitTrigger file how is it managing to tell me that there are 35000 items awaiting backup? Surely it should be well and truly fooled into thinking it just had a backup?