Forum Discussion

Mike_Wilc's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

Importing one dummy PST into several archives


I have many stubbed archives left after several Vault/Exchange/AD migrations. Their indexes cannot be updated, rebuilt, granted permissions are not being applied. Also cannot see any folder's structure within. The only way to access the data is to search from EntVault service account or export to PST. 

However I've found a method to revive these archives importing dummy PST file with one test folder and message. After import they start to show all the items, can be indexed, shared, etc. 
Because I have about 500 hundreds I need to find a quicker method to re-create their structure using script/SQL Update statement than using PST Import wizard.
Do you know any methods/solutions to share with me?


  • Many thanks for help, but I'm sure there should be other way to fix the corrupted structure within the failed archives than rebuiding through PST Import wizard. 
    EVSVR is capable to do this but unfortunately don't have a clue which parameters need to use to fix the corrupted archives? 


    OK found it, unfortunately needs to be run against whole site, not individual archives. So better to wait for Symantec support to approach with proven procedure.

  • check out the Utilities.pdf. it has a section on EVPM. one of the Policy Manager initialization file examples is for importing a PST. you can build a script to do this for each of your archives by name. and yea, like rob said, there should be some other examples of scripts on the forums here and his website is a good resource too.

  • Many thanks for help, but I'm sure there should be other way to fix the corrupted structure within the failed archives than rebuiding through PST Import wizard. 
    EVSVR is capable to do this but unfortunately don't have a clue which parameters need to use to fix the corrupted archives? 


    OK found it, unfortunately needs to be run against whole site, not individual archives. So better to wait for Symantec support to approach with proven procedure.